Student in computer science at Stockholm University. Programmer, musician and curious about hardware. Here to build creative and thoughtful designs.
I was born and grew up in Sweden where I've remained most of my life except for an exchange semester to Taiwan.
Currently I am finishing my bachelor's in computer science, planning to graduate in june 2024. In the future, I want to continue my studies as well as getting hands-on experience through internships and project work.
Previously I have also been a part of several boards such as my student union and the Swedish chamber of commerce. In roles both as president and board member I find joy in contributing to projects that help my peers.
In my free time I like to experiment with hardware by building small technical solutions for my home such as a watering system for my plants.
Some of my new years goals include trying new recipes, travel & discovering new places as well as continuing my development in programming.
I created this portfolio to showcase my interests and experience.
Further down you can get to know me a bit better through my most past projects and my interests!
For timeline with previous work experience, see my resume
Bachelor's in Computer Science
Began my bachelor's in computer science at the department of data- and system science at Stockholm University.
Student union DISK
Elected president of the welcoming committee of the student union DISK. Then elected vice-president of the student union and in 2023 elected president.
Exchange semester, Taipei Taiwan
Completed an exchange semester at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan as part of bachelor.
Young professionals, SCCT
Elected board member of Young Professionals of Swedish Chamber of commerce in Taiwan.